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Derrick C

Techlocity is a client-centric managed services firm...
"Their quick resolutions to our challenges gives us confidence in our business and ability to expand. I would highly recommend Techlocity!"

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ATTN: Business Executives

Are you feeling stuck with your current IT?

Imagine having a team by your side, day and night, ready to jump in when tech gets tricky. You deserve that and more! 

You're growing, dreaming big, and the last thing you need is for tech troubles to put a damper on your plans. 

Ever felt like you're just not speaking the same language as your current IT provider? 

Waiting on hold, while hoping you won’t be stuck with the same issue for another 3 - 4 working days… Stuck without any longterm plan for your IT… And then, those surprise bills show up. 

It feels like you’re left in the dark, and worse, without assistance. So much for “support”.

We get it. And no business deserves to be treated that way. We're here to make sure your tech supports your dreams, rather than standing in the way. 

Think of us as your go-to tech buddies, always on standby to keep things smooth so you can keep doing what you do best.


Customer Happiness

5 min

Quick call response


First-call resolution


Round-the-clock support

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We can help!

With us, you’re never alone in solving IT problems

Back in 2009, we started with a spark of an idea. Watching organizations around us grapple with IT headaches that bogged down their ambitions, we knew there had to be a better way. 

So, we got to work, creating a place where technology troubles are met with friendly, understanding faces – a place where every call for help is answered with a "We've got this"... Followed by actual long lasting solutions.

Our mission was simple: clear the path for businesses to soar, without IT worries. Because at Techlocity, we believe in being more than just a service provider; we're your trusted partners, making sure your IT works harder than you do!


Don’t take our word for it, here’s what other business executives say

"Techlocity is a client centric managed services firm. Their quick resolutions to our challenges gives us confidence in our business and ability to expand. I would highly recommend Techlocity!"

Derrick C

"Our company uses Techlocity for our IT services and we're so pleased with the work they provide. We receive very prompt and efficient service from the help desk and we have consistent monthly services for oversight of our systems. Highly recommend."

Cathy A

"My employer uses Techlocity, and it is such a blessing to have them on call whenever frustrating tech issues arise. They are great listeners--not only to the problem, but also to underlying concerns I may be implying. They also don't make you feel dumb for calling. They go above and beyond to resolve the issue in any way possible."

Lydia B

"I am in charge of the operations at Dye's Walk Country Club on the southside of Indy. We needed a company to improve and update our IT. We chose Techlocity and never looked back. Every facet of what they offer is exemplary."

Kyle B

"I called in with an issue I was not sure they could assist with - my rep tried several different things to no avail, but did not give up.  She persevered and was able to find a solve.  Thank you Techlocity for all you do."

Amy H

"We have had a contract with Techlocity to provide us with technical support for approximately six months. They have been nothing short of phenomenal in their response times , expertise and professionalism. These guys are a real class act!!"

Landmark P
Who we serve

Serving businesses big enough to dream, small enough to care

We do our best work with…

Businesses with 25 to 150 employees

Located in Indianapolis and surrounding areas

Valuing responsive, trustworthy tech support

Seeking growth without tech growing pains

Desiring security and peace of mind

Does this sound like you?

Talk to us
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Why choose us?

With our stack of services, we keep you ahead, worry-free and consistently productive!

Solutions at lightning speed

Imagine having a friend who’s always there the moment you need them. That's us with your tech problems. We're all about quick fixes that let you get back to what matters most - your business. No more waiting, just doing.


Bullet-proof cybersecurity

Think of us as the careful keepers of all that’s important to you. We protect your data like it’s our own, ensuring the digital threats stay strangers, not intruders. It’s like having FortKnox level security for your digital assets.


Always here, day or night

There’s no wrong time to reach out. Whether it’s the crack of dawn or late at night, we’re here to make sure you’re never stuck with a problem for too long. Consider us your 24/7 backup.


Ahead of problems, always

We’re like the friend who reminds you to bring an umbrella before you’ve even checked the weather. With our proactive approach to IT support, we’re able to solve issues before they arise.


Growing with you, step by step

As your business evolves, so do your tech needs. We’re here to make that journey as seamless as your favorite playlist, ensuring your tech matches every new step you take towards your dreams.


Clear talks, no jargon

Ever wished for tech explanations that don’t sound like a foreign language? That’s exactly what we do. We keep the tech talk simple, making sure you’re in the loop and comfortable with every decision made.

Talk to us

Here are 11 reasons why you'd love working with us

This isn’t just what we do; it’s who we are. In a city bustling with options, we shine by keeping things simple, secure, and perfectly tailored to support your journey.

99.4% customer satisfaction

Nearly all our clients are thrilled with how we've got their back. When we say we don’t let you down, our clients feel the same way!


5-minute response time

Reach out, and we're on it faster than your favorite song's intro. We're always ready to jump in and help.

80% first-call resolution

Say goodbye to endless calls and being put on hold. Most times, one chat is all it takes to get you back to what you love doing.


24/7 expert availability

Our team is here for you, day or night, making sure you're never left without the expert help you deserve, no matter when.

Tailored tech growth plans

We plot your tech future with the care of a master storyteller, ensuring your IT is perfectly aligned with your business’s plot twists and turns.


Proactive problem prevention

Like a loyal guardian, we keep trouble at bay, ensuring your business sails smoothly without unexpected tech glitches.

Comprehensive cybersecurity defense

Our security is like a fortress around your digital kingdom, keeping the dragons away so you can focus on ruling.


Microsoft 365 Breach Monitoring - Free for 90 Days

Get eagle-eyed monitoring of your Microsoft 365 for any suspicious activity, from weird logins to odd email forwards, all to keep you safe.

Clear cost forecasting

With us, financial surprises are off the table. Enjoy predictable billing, transparent costs, and no surprise fees. Just the way it should be.


Customizable service packages

Our services are like your favorite coffee order - made just how you like it, ensuring your IT needs are met with a personal touch.

Zero hidden fees guarantee

With us, what you see is what you get. Transparent pricing, no surprises, just honest, straightforward support.

Talk to us

Your IT challenges, solved with a smile

From one business leader to another, I get it. The road to success is exciting, but boy, can it be bumpy with tech troubles along the way. That's exactly why we started Techlocity. We dreamt of a world where IT support feels like calling up an old friend - reliable, understanding, and always there, especially when you need it most.

Our team is passionate about making your business thrive, not just by solving problems but by being a partner you can count on for the long haul.

So, why not let us take the tech worries off your plate? Together, let's make your business everything you've envisioned and more. Ready to chat?

Ready for a better IT experience?

Take our exclusive, limited-time offer

Fill out the form for a free IT consultation and get our Microsoft 365 Breach Monitoring 100%  Free for 90-Days (Ts and Cs apply). Let’s take IT issues off your company’s plate for good. Can’t wait to meet with you.

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