4 Signs Your Business Technology Needs An Immediate Upgrade

July 30, 2018

4 Signs Your Business Technology Needs An Immediate Upgrade

Is now the right time for your business to upgrade its technology? At most companies, the answer is a resounding NO - because it never feels like the right time.  Unfortunately, waiting for the right time often sets the stage for emergencies to occur. Suddenly your systems are too out of date and your employees can’t work. Or a vulnerability allows customer information to be compromised and you’re dealing with the fallout from a data breach. Before the worst happens, let’s take a moment to look at 4 signs that your business technology needs an urgent upgrade.Sign No. 1: You’re Using Workarounds Workarounds are a red flag that something’s wrong with your system. What’s a workaround? Well, it’s anything your employees are doing to make things work, without actually fixing the deeper issue.Examples of workarounds include:

  • Sharing passwords and other login credentials
  • Logging in and out of accounts constantly due to limited licenses
  • Putting fans near computers and servers to prevent overheating
  • Constantly taking time to delete old files for new files, due to a lack of space
  • Making temporary fixes with spare parts
  • Ignoring and overriding error messages or system updates
  • Resorting to doing things by hand instead of using technology

In these situations, what your company needs is an assessment from a technology company. You need someone who understand the complex systems involved to look at it with fresh eyes and give advice about how to solve persistent problems.Sign No. 2: There’s Been Rapid Growth A fast-growing company can quickly outgrow its tech solutions. What worked for your company a year ago, or 20 employees ago, may not work today.Do any of these growth indicators sound like your company?

  • You’ve added physical locations
  • The workforce has grown by 10% or more
  • Growth happened quickly, over weeks or months
  • The company grew faster in 1 year than you expected for 2 years
  • You added office space or workstations
  • A new niche, specialty, or sub-company was added to your operations

If your situation is similar to these, it’s time to upgrade and scale up your technology to match your current needs. Otherwise, you’ll just restrict further growth - and you may end up being unable to sustain the growth that’s already happening.Sign No. 3: No Remote/Mobile/Cloud Access A lack of remote access, mobile-friendliness, or cloud access means you’re not using up-to-date technology. In today’s business world, workers often need access from wherever they sit - in the office, at home, and from faraway places. When they don’t have it, work halts. Downtime is a big red flag.To prevent downtime and solve access problems, many workers rely on mobile phones. But if they’re not using company-managed devices, that brings another whole set of challenges: security issues, sharing of files, having the right apps, file size issues.That’s why many companies are turning to the cloud, which allows access from anywhere in the world. Your employees can work remotely, use mobile devices, and keep work flowing regardless of geography. Consider a cloud-based solution and opt for mobile-friendly strategies whenever possible.Sign No. 4: Employee DissatisfactionDon’t discount the effect of outdated technology on employee morale. When it’s obvious to workers that you’re using old equipment and software, it makes them less productive. In fact, it can make them feel that you just don’t value them.A tech writer for Forbes magazine looked at the top productivity inhibitors caused by outdated technology at U.S. companies. Here’s what he found:

  • Old tech causes workers to spend more time navigating tasks than engaging with customers.
  • Tech evolves so rapidly that it’s hard to compete if your tech is outdated.
  • People expect exceptional experiences due to “the Apple effect” of great technology.
  • Customers are judging you based on your technology.
  • Bad tech and cobbled-together solutions limit company-wide flexibility and growth.

If you’re starting to see your own company reflected in the issues described above, it’s time for a complete tech analysis. Connect with Techlocity now for an evaluation that shows how you can improve your tech quickly and get back to business.